(202) 797-8852

[A] Spe­cial Com­mit­tee of the Foggy Bot­tom Asso­ci­a­tion was formed and began meet­ing in March of 2011. That committee’s man­date was to deter­mine what if any inter­est there was for an “Aging In Place” Vil­lage in the Foggy Bottom/West End community. The committee was also asked to research and rec­om­mend a busi­ness model for such a pro­posed Vil­lage, and to select a per­ma­nent Board of Directors for said project.

That Com­mit­tee, respond­ing to over­whelm­ing neigh­bor­hood inter­est, has formed a permanent Board of Directors. I have been named as a member of this board and look forward to the future challenges this project presents. The board’s initial intent will be at working to push for­ward this new “Aging In Place” Vil­lage project. Mod­eled after 16 other suc­cess­ful Villages in the Metro area, the new Foggy Bottom/West End Vil­lage is a non­profit mem­ber­ship orga­ni­za­tion. The Vil­lage concept relies on neigh­bor­hood vol­un­teers to help pro­vide essential ser­vices such as trans­porta­tion, minor home repairs and social activ­i­ties. Mem­bers are being asked to pay a mod­est annual fee to help off­set the projects oper­at­ing costs.

The Board’s first chal­lenge is to raise $150,000 in startup funds for the non­profit Vil­lage by the end of the year. Recruit­ing mem­bers and vol­un­teers will also be priorities.

A recent sur­vey of res­i­dents in 60 con­dos, apart­ments, and co-ops, and of 170 single-family homes showed a major­ity of respon­dents are eager to par­tic­i­pate in a Vil­lage located in the Foggy Bot­tom and West End neigh­bor­hoods. More than 100 res­i­dents attended an infor­ma­tion meet­ing hosted by the Foggy Bot­tom Asso­ci­a­tion ear­lier this year.