(202) 797-8852

Practice Areas


Indi­vid­u­als may con­trol the dis­tri­b­u­tion of their prop­erty dur­ing their lives or after their deaths through the use of a trust. There are many types of trusts and many purposes for their cre­ation.

Estate Planning:

Estate plan­ning is the process of antic­i­pat­ing and arrang­ing for the dis­posal of an estate. Estate plan­ning typ­i­cally attempts to elim­i­nate uncer­tain­ties over the admin­is­tra­tion of pro­bate and max­i­mize the value of the estate.


Pro­bate is the legal process of admin­is­ter­ing the estate of a deceased per­son by resolv­ing all claims and dis­trib­ut­ing the deceased person’s prop­erty under the valid will.

Elder Law:

Elder Law is a spe­cial­ized field of law. It com­bines ele­ments of Estate Plan­ning, Wills and Trusts, Con­ser­va­tor­ship and Health Care Planning.

Practice Areas

Trusts: 20%

Indi­vid­u­als may con­trol the dis­tri­b­u­tion of their prop­erty dur­ing their lives or after their deaths through the use of a trust. There are many types of trusts and many purposes for their cre­ation.

Estate Planning: 20%

Estate plan­ning is the process of antic­i­pat­ing and arrang­ing for the dis­posal of an estate. Estate plan­ning typ­i­cally attempts to elim­i­nate uncer­tain­ties over the admin­is­tra­tion of pro­bate and max­i­mize the value of the estate.

Probate: 20%

Pro­bate is the legal process of admin­is­ter­ing the estate of a deceased per­son by resolv­ing all claims and dis­trib­ut­ing the deceased person’s prop­erty under the valid will.

Guardianship: 20%

A guardian­ship is a legal right given to a per­son to be respon­si­ble for the food, health care, hous­ing, and other neces­si­ties of a per­son deemed fully or par­tially inca­pable of pro­vid­ing these neces­si­ties for him­self or herself.

Elder Law: 20%

Elder Law is a spe­cial­ized field of law. It com­bines ele­ments of Estate Plan­ning, Wills and Trusts, Con­ser­va­tor­ship and Health Care Planning.